Monday, December 9, 2024

Cyncly adds Broadlume to its stable of brands

chiclyWhat happens when two titans of industry stop competing and start collaborating? Better efficiency, greater profitability and unrestrained innovation. That’s according to leadership at Cyncly, a global market leader for end-to-end software and content solutions to the spaces for living industry, and Broadlume, one of the largest flooring software solution providers in the industry. In the same breath, Cyncly announced the acquisition of Broadlume—its fourth flooring software acquisition in two years—which is expected to occur by mid-December. 

“I was always very impressed with Broadlume’s messaging and their commitment to their customers,” Mark Lukianchuk, general manager, Cyncly, told FCNews. “And I felt that it was such a complementary fit that working together meant we could accomplish so much more than each of us trying to grow separately.” 

Todd Saunders, CEO, Broadlume, agreed, noting, “It was an easy decision for us. What was best for the industry was [for us] to partner with someone that had the same mission as us, which is to elevate the industry, and there really wasn’t a better partner when we looked at who could help us build the future of all-in-one flooring software. It was like a match made in heaven.” 

The driver behind the purchase, according to Cyncly, is to enable the company to serve as a true digital partner to help its customers sell faster, easier and smarter. With a steadfast commitment to flooring, Cyncly aims to connect the entire industry to transform the way flooring is bought and sold around the world. By integrating data and processes across digital marketing, product visualization, CRM and ERP in one cohesive system, the goal is to allow businesses to connect every step of the consumer journey and more easily collaborate with industry partners.

“The first thing that customers really want is to look to a strategic partner that can help them drive more revenue, that can help them be more efficient and keep more money in their pocket,” Lukianchuk explained. “And there’s a big change that’s already underway in the industry—people are looking to leverage technology and data and insights to drive more business, better business. So I think the future is being able to allow our customers to sell to their customers no matter how they want to buy and where they want to buy.”

Carole Cross, CEO of Mobile Marketing—which was acquired by Cyncly in 2023—said she sees this latest acquisition as the culmination of the puzzle pieces needed to craft an end-to-end vision. “While we may have been competitors then, now think about multiple industry leaders all with a shared passion and vision for how to make the future better in the flooring space,” she told FCNews. “There isn’t just one or two of us anymore—there’s a group of us now. Bringing Broadlume into the fold with all of its capabilities is like quadrupling down on what was already a win. Now we’re all focusing on moving the industry into the future. It’s really exciting.”

Saunders agreed, noting the immense impact technology has had on the flooring industry in just a handful of years, which he says will only continue to grow. “I came into the flooring industry only five years ago,” he told FCNews. “But once we came into the picture, it felt like everyone in the industry, in technology, leveled up. And when I look toward the future now, if you thought the last five years of leveling up in technology was a lot and happened quickly, I think you can expect the next five years to be even more accelerated. And that’s what I’m excited about.”

For customers of Broadlume, the question looms as to how this acquisition will impact your partnership and your service. Well, according to Saunders, it won’t. “It was important for us and for Cyncly to keep our leadership team in place so that we could build not just a better technology company but better programs and relationships with our customers and partners moving forward,” Saunders explained. “So I’m moving over, our leadership team is moving over, and we’re excited to dive all in under the Cyncly umbrella and really build cool stuff together. And, for the foreseeable future, nothing’s changing. It’s important for us to do this right. It’s important for us to build this together and it’s important for us to build the best software and that’s what we’re going to do. So, nothing’s changing other than the name of our company—the mission and everything else and stays the same.”

With four software acquisitions under its belt in half that number of years—RFMS was acquired in 2022; Pacific Solutions in July 2023; and Mobile Marketing in October 2023—has Cyncly had its fill of software? Well, Cyncly doesn’t rest on its laurels. “Obviously our first priority is to ensure that Broadlume and the team are welcomed into Cyncly,”Lukianchuk explained. “But we have organic growth objectives, and we are also always open to inorganic growth opportunities through acquisition—if the time and the opportunity is right. So will there be more acquisitions? It’s tough to say, but it’s certainly something we are definitely open to.”

What’s more, Cyncly is launching its Simply Connect conference, which will kick off May 20, 2025 in Chicago. “That’s going to be an opportunity for our customers and our partners and our prospects to really learn more about Cyncly and our vision, which we’re going to be sharing at the conference and leading up to the conference through events like Surfaces as well,” Lukianchuk said.

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